Ocular Delight

$40.00 Double Fan

Held For Increase



Ocular Delight

OCULAR DELIGHT (Stamile,P.) TET 419-B [(Rings of Wonder x Marilyn Morss Johnson) X Tet Kaleidoscope Intrigue)] 33” EM EVRe slight Fr. CMO (cool morning opener). 5 ½”. 4-way branching. 25-30 Buds.

Pictures will never do OCULAR DELIGHT justice. It is always much prettier in person. This daylily opens and performs despite the weather. It holds beautifully in high heat but will open when night temperatures drop to the high 40s – Always a wonderful presence in the garden. 

OCULAR DELIGHT presents as a clean cream pink with a multicolored patterned eye of fuchsia rose, purple, lavender and charcoal. The patterning is strong on both the petals and sepals. Fertile both ways. The pollen is exceptionally strong setting on difficult pod parents.


Contact Info

5721 Walla Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Lily Auction Username:Taylorsgarden

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